.and the young man's dreams.
and i'm feeling quite emotional at the moment.
well, as justin, kenneth and i agreed on the word, it should be bittersweet.
it seems like just yesterday when we were getting all ready for our dragon boating trip. and i remembered the first time i spoke to justin was when he offered me a mentos sweet. and then came along my retard bestie kenneth. both of them made these 2 months the best-est days of my life. thanks my men! then all the orientation came to an end with finale night. remember doing the mass dance? kenneth was well in luck! and that was how we formed the well renowned -men's talk- exclusive club membership.
lesson's began. and during breaks i'll always remember that we the three retards will always sit at least 2 tables away from the class. well 1T01, it's not that we hate the class or something, in fact we love all you sweet people! It's just that we're into this 'solitude', artsy people you may call it. (: the skipping of lectures with justin and kenneth at the grand stand, disturbing bobby (gregory), going home with steffie, the rendezvous issue, MEN'S TALK (when the members began increasing) .. etc are all memories that are deeply etched in my heart.
and who says that big guys don't cry. the day when we were viewing the class video, my tears were welling up. i felt this scrunching of my heart inside, i really can't bear to leave you guys.
And if I should ever go away
Well then close your eyes and try
to feel the way we do today
and than if you can't remember.....
Keep smilin'
Keep shinin'
Knowin' you can always count on me for sure
that's what friends are for
In good times
And bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
That's what friends are for.
well in this edition of my blog, i wanna make a shoutout to certain people who made my life so beautiful. filling it up with colours of the horizon. making it so fresh and new.
justin - it was you. you brought this special element in my life called 'companionship'. the many things we've done is just a portion of what's to happen. you gave my life a special touch. miss you my man.
kenneth - you're my role model. mr gentleman is all yours to keep. you're always there encapsulating my life with all your funny prophesies. bringing out the 'oomph' in us is what you do best. i'll miss you dude.
steff - the person who got a place in my life. the scent of magic, the beauty that's been. you know what's going within me, you know what i'm going through. you're special to me and always will be. you're being missed.
gillian - my very best 'man' friend. the one girl i admire so much for having being so brave. the many things we shared, i'll remember them. i'll pray for you, worry not. i still think ronald is better.
corina - she's my 'ang moh' bestie. not because she's caucasian but because of her golden blond hair. the times you ask me to sit next to you in the front row when gill and ali's not there. how you nudge me when i'm falling asleep.
alicia - she's "ali" to me. well another person whom i get to dwell with. she's like my monger, filling up the juicy news in our diaries. i'll always remember that laughter of yours.
kass - my personal baker. always asking for chewy chocolate cookies from her. she gives good massages for our aching backs. someone i got to know on the last few days school, a treasured friendship it will be.
douglas - he was the first guy i talked to in 1To1. we were strolling through far east on the first day we met with bobby. and i remember how we tried matchmaking bobby with the girls in school. dougie, remember your 3 dream girls?
gregory - ok, from now on it's - no suan "bobby" day - a religious guy, a illogical guy but a very nice one to be with. i'll always remembered that he said "if you rob the bank and hear the alarm go off, put on your ear plugs so you hear nothing" and "we should all have a life vest at home cos south pole's melting and we'll all drown" his sermons i guess.
dinah, shalini, turaiya - these 3 ladies seats right in front of us. gorgeous they may be, cool people i say.
aud tsen - i don't see you in class often but you're a really great person to work with. our econs project won't be a hit if you didn't provide such good information. thanks lady.
shiyi, aud tan, aud lim - another group of 3. always laughing around in their own world. but that's good. at least the chilly air is warmed up and we have a nice happy environment.
theodora - quiet she may seem but she's one power mama. play soccer with her and you'll know why. she's fierce with the ball.
serena - 'wahhhh' taiwan sausages! alright, i'll promise not to disturb you anymore! (:
kerryn - the singer in class. remember when i misread a french title and it went like this "caress me" . darn it was soooo way out of the song.
michelle - you leave a deep impression on me. i remember how you said that with my strong arms, it was so vigorous. RA it may seem but michelle that's sooo HOT. (:
these are the beautiful people in my life. i want to end it with this verse. "don't take too long to say i love you to, the ones you love cos time has the habit of slipping away" yes time has slipped away so fast, all i want to say is that i remember all you people. i love you guys till the end of my days.
and now, the young man's dreams was almost seem so plain.
well, as justin, kenneth and i agreed on the word, it should be bittersweet.
it seems like just yesterday when we were getting all ready for our dragon boating trip. and i remembered the first time i spoke to justin was when he offered me a mentos sweet. and then came along my retard bestie kenneth. both of them made these 2 months the best-est days of my life. thanks my men! then all the orientation came to an end with finale night. remember doing the mass dance? kenneth was well in luck! and that was how we formed the well renowned -men's talk- exclusive club membership.
lesson's began. and during breaks i'll always remember that we the three retards will always sit at least 2 tables away from the class. well 1T01, it's not that we hate the class or something, in fact we love all you sweet people! It's just that we're into this 'solitude', artsy people you may call it. (: the skipping of lectures with justin and kenneth at the grand stand, disturbing bobby (gregory), going home with steffie, the rendezvous issue, MEN'S TALK (when the members began increasing) .. etc are all memories that are deeply etched in my heart.
and who says that big guys don't cry. the day when we were viewing the class video, my tears were welling up. i felt this scrunching of my heart inside, i really can't bear to leave you guys.
And if I should ever go away
Well then close your eyes and try
to feel the way we do today
and than if you can't remember.....
Keep smilin'
Keep shinin'
Knowin' you can always count on me for sure
that's what friends are for
In good times
And bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
That's what friends are for.
well in this edition of my blog, i wanna make a shoutout to certain people who made my life so beautiful. filling it up with colours of the horizon. making it so fresh and new.
justin - it was you. you brought this special element in my life called 'companionship'. the many things we've done is just a portion of what's to happen. you gave my life a special touch. miss you my man.
kenneth - you're my role model. mr gentleman is all yours to keep. you're always there encapsulating my life with all your funny prophesies. bringing out the 'oomph' in us is what you do best. i'll miss you dude.
steff - the person who got a place in my life. the scent of magic, the beauty that's been. you know what's going within me, you know what i'm going through. you're special to me and always will be. you're being missed.
gillian - my very best 'man' friend. the one girl i admire so much for having being so brave. the many things we shared, i'll remember them. i'll pray for you, worry not. i still think ronald is better.
corina - she's my 'ang moh' bestie. not because she's caucasian but because of her golden blond hair. the times you ask me to sit next to you in the front row when gill and ali's not there. how you nudge me when i'm falling asleep.
alicia - she's "ali" to me. well another person whom i get to dwell with. she's like my monger, filling up the juicy news in our diaries. i'll always remember that laughter of yours.
kass - my personal baker. always asking for chewy chocolate cookies from her. she gives good massages for our aching backs. someone i got to know on the last few days school, a treasured friendship it will be.
douglas - he was the first guy i talked to in 1To1. we were strolling through far east on the first day we met with bobby. and i remember how we tried matchmaking bobby with the girls in school. dougie, remember your 3 dream girls?
gregory - ok, from now on it's - no suan "bobby" day - a religious guy, a illogical guy but a very nice one to be with. i'll always remembered that he said "if you rob the bank and hear the alarm go off, put on your ear plugs so you hear nothing" and "we should all have a life vest at home cos south pole's melting and we'll all drown" his sermons i guess.
dinah, shalini, turaiya - these 3 ladies seats right in front of us. gorgeous they may be, cool people i say.
aud tsen - i don't see you in class often but you're a really great person to work with. our econs project won't be a hit if you didn't provide such good information. thanks lady.
shiyi, aud tan, aud lim - another group of 3. always laughing around in their own world. but that's good. at least the chilly air is warmed up and we have a nice happy environment.
theodora - quiet she may seem but she's one power mama. play soccer with her and you'll know why. she's fierce with the ball.
serena - 'wahhhh' taiwan sausages! alright, i'll promise not to disturb you anymore! (:
kerryn - the singer in class. remember when i misread a french title and it went like this "caress me" . darn it was soooo way out of the song.
michelle - you leave a deep impression on me. i remember how you said that with my strong arms, it was so vigorous. RA it may seem but michelle that's sooo HOT. (:
these are the beautiful people in my life. i want to end it with this verse. "don't take too long to say i love you to, the ones you love cos time has the habit of slipping away" yes time has slipped away so fast, all i want to say is that i remember all you people. i love you guys till the end of my days.
and now, the young man's dreams was almost seem so plain.