as i always say, when the limelight finally shines, you better be ready to dance like a frantic monkey or they will just point that bad boy at someone who has done their homework in a more timely and conscientious manner. so i would like to take this opportunity to point myself out. pointing yourself out is the quickest and most efficient way to up the wattage of limelights. if you wait for other people to point you out, you may find that you are generally unpointable and may very well be a no one in particular, and most no one in particulars end up bemoaning their fates to other no on one in particulars, in less than desirable gathering places like coin laundromats and church basements. i, however, am well versed on the subject of me and can speak at length about it with many words and much confidence. unlike a lot of people who talk at length about themselves, i am a very interesting topic. if people think i am full of myself, it's only because i can't bear to throw any of me away. it's taken a long time to gather it all up, and i have no outside of me luggage space, unless you count that collapsable vinyl shoe storage unit my grandma bought for me but i have no idea where it is. i hope you enjoy me, for i know i do at times. i may sound selfish but remember... the only difference between selfish and selfless is several letters.

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