.loyal to the game.
Heyy, I'm back for another rendition of Daniel's Journal. Didn't really revamped it much, but added an archive so you could browse through the past entries. The stinking thing about blog is that you lose the thrill after some time. This time, I'll try to keep it going. Notice the word is 'try' dammit.
Some of Life Lines that we could consider. Especially you people my beloved canoeists.
Anger is an Energy: Ranting can be postitive, but the more often you blow up, the less effective it becomes. As a team member, the threat of action can be more effective than the action itself. I still put my foot through dressing room doors occasionally. Old habits die hard.
The Weakest Link: You're only as strong as your weakest lik. Get the most out of that person by finding out what they respond to best.
A Good Boss Makes You feel Invincible: Bobby Robson knew how to manipulate players for the good. We'd have run through brick walls for him.
Find Your Own Motivation: Before big games, Stuart Pearce used to listen to the Sex Pistols. I'd listen to self help or autogenic tapes. We're all different. The tapes taught me that my strength and talents was a big tank with my fingers and toes acting as taps to drain away tension. Another tap in my stomach controlled my adrenalin. I'd row out to the race course feeling a champion.
Never Think You've Made It: Never stop striving to better yourself.
Hard Work Wins Games: The team that wants it more will normally come out on top. There are exceptions, but without drive you'll win nothing.
Hit the Mountain: You can escape into your own world and push yourself as hard as you want. Plus I find I can take my anger out on the waters and hills and they never complain.

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