alas i've once again got this blog up and moving again.
a thousand apologies for the aplenty aplenty of promises to update, broken.
my posts are kinda erratic at this moment but i'll try to make it back in shape again.
i've got loads to say suddenly, but i don't know where to begin. but i will anyway.
canoeing nationals ended with a sore. you guessed it right. i didn't manage to win anything but it was the moments that really made me all emotional. dating back to the times where all of us went through shit together. and i tell you, it was really shit. as time went by, the moaning and groaning soon got to pass. the team was beginning to make its mark. the tremendous effort that everyone put in through every gruelling training was highly commendable.
sometimes, we come to a point where we just really want to breakdown and give everything up. that's when the team comes in. all those words of encouragement, cheers, support till today, they're still ringing in my ears. cj canoeing team 2006-2007 was my pillar of strength and support then, now and always. the sweat, blood, tears that came of us showed the strength and unity of the team.
i wish i could address everyone here but let me do it in general. and to my k2 partner as well.
team, you all have been my greatest pride and joy. to me, nothing in this world can replace the bonds that we fostered. the evening i lost, yes i felt devastated but one thing for sure, i haven't lost you guys. CJ-CANOEING WHOOSH.
nathaniel, you've been the best partner that i could ever asked for. you knew my expectations just like i know of yours. these 2 years of fighting side by side with you has really shown me what true companionship was. we gave our best. the competition seriously don't matter much to me. the training that we endured and pushing and screaming are the moments that i want to remember you for. i'll see you back in the water after our A'levels. promise. lucks with say say say!
8th august 2007.
our gp teacher left for switzerland. a few of us were down at the airport to see her off, kinda saddened to see her go, but alas it's for the better of her future. so in someway we're glad.
was debating with maw about whether the both of us will tear. the answer was yes. what strong boys huh. haha.
i think the most hilarious thing about that day was that maw and i were so worried that she can't celebrate the moon cake festival. so we bought her 4 mooncakes to eat on the plane. HAH.
11th august 2007.
today's sharlene's birthday!
18 finally.
we'll go drinking soon someday!
and there's just this few verses i would like to leave you with.
it's strength for me.
Some dreams live on in time forever
Those dreams, you want with all your heart
And I'll do whatever it takes
Follow through with the promise I made
Put it all on the line
What I hoped for at last would be mine

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