ehh. alright alright, i know of my countless countless disappearances and i sincerely apologize many times again for it yea. so smile and make merry!
mmmm, it's the pretty long or very long hols.
so i'm gonna update you on what's happening.
yes. i'm a relief teacher. oh yes relief teacher.
school is classified. ask me yourself.
and i got to know some really crazy people. and i mean CRAZY.
in no order of merit
lets begin... Showtime!
i hate it, but i've gotta start with her. my childhood friend since pri 1. HAHA
Amelia Ong aka A'MONG -say ahhh-mongg.. she's always the butt of my jokes. but outstanding personality. very tolerant (:
Juli - Her name is long. I cut it short. Minnie Mouse. Don't judge a book by it's cover, chili padi.
Gina - Her class is a wreck at times. Turtle Academy. Ajoo and Andre.
Fook Hong - He is powerful. He has the power to integrate your mind and then differentiate it. Make you look like vectors and then turn equations. And lull you to sleep. MATHS MAN.
Dayang - Seeing his name reminds me of Dawn Yang. Anyway he's the local candy empire. yes free chocolates and candies.
Edmund - Really tanned. Black. Funny man.
Zhi Hao - BFF. Haha. we always share a table. why. cos the spares are always taken away. almost instantly.
alright dudes and dudettes. that's the party.
counting down the days to ns. 10days and running down.
the thing is i don't know of any people who are enlisting on the same day as me.
that makes me just one dude.
10th Apr is flying by so closely.
just received a sms from CMPB (Central Manpower Base)
it goes like this...
S88******, Your enlistment date is on 10/04/08. Your reporting unit is TRAINING LIST BASIC MILITARY TRAINING CENTRE SCHOOL 1. Msg from CMPB.
how cool. i've got people reminding me of my national service. haha.
anyway, i've received an email on tips on how to survive ns. here goes..
ehh. i just realised it's friggin long. ask me. i'll send you. haha.
alright, it's dan the man signing off. smell ya later.
It's the perfect time of year
Somewhere far away from here
I feel fine enough, I guess
Considering everything's a mess.
There's a restaurant down the street
Where hungry people like to eat
I could walk, but I'll just drive
It's colder than it looks outside...

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